Once PowerToys is running on your PC, you can use it within the File Explorer.
If you opted to have it launch at startup, it would run in the background on your PC, and you don't have to think about it. At this point, you can also have a box ticked to launch PowerToys. Tick the boxes to indicate if you want PowerToys to start at launch and if you want to create a shortcut for PowerToys.
Click Next twice (read through the license before clicking next the second time).Click the most recent release within assets to download PowerToys.Go to the Releases page on GitHub for PowerToys.To get PowerToys, you just need to go to the app's releases page and download the latest version. PowerToys is currently in beta and distributed in GitHub. Handy little toys: PowerToys (Free at GitHub).PowerToys is currently in beta, but it has a collection of handy little tools that make managing images easier. There are also encoding options and several other options you can select to create images.
With just a few clicks, you can resize images to a set of preset sizes or any custom size that you'd like. While you can export images into smaller sizes using many editors, Microsoft's PowerToys has a simple tool that lets you resize images in bulk that integrates directly with the File Explorer. Sometimes you have a photo that's too large for an email attachment or where you'd like to use it.